creative personality, younger schoolchildren, development of imagination, types of temperament.Abstract
In the proposed article emphasizes the need to develop the imagination of younger schoolchildren as an important factor in the formation of their creative personality. It is emphasized that primary school age is a sensitive period for the development of imagination, and therefore the task of a modern primary school is to use a period favorable for the development of this mental function. Based on the theoretical analysis of modern scientific psychological and pedagogical research, the main areas of study of the problem of fantasy development in younger schoolchildren are determined. The complexity of the problem of the development of a creative personality is determined by the presence of a large number of diverse factors that affect the development of creativity, in particular fantasy, which is the main characteristic of a creative personality, its activity. The presence of biological prerequisites in children's creativity is observed, which are manifested, in particular, in correlations between indicators of fantasy and types of temperament. The results of an empirical study of the influence of temperament on the development of pupils' imagination are presented. Correlational analysis showed that there are both positive and negative relationships between temperament types and criteria indicators of verbal and non-verbal fantasy (productivity, flexibility, originality, development). It was found that the regulatory influence of parents, teachers, and school psychologists on students with different typological characteristics is important for the development of their imagination. It is emphasized that the development of the imagination of younger schoolchildren should always be in the field of view of teachers, parents, school psychologists, as it contributes to the improvement of children's creative abilities, the development of their creative personality. Recommendations are offered to parents, teachers, school psychologists regarding taking into account the type of temperament of younger schoolchildren in the development of their imagination, full-fledged creative activity in general.
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