
  • T. S. Kalinina
  • A. V. Yatsynik



children with special educational needs, inclusive resource center, psychological and pedagogical support, individual development program, team.


The article highlights the activities of the inclusive resource center, the main goal of which is to ensure the availability and high quality of education for children with special educational needs in an inclusive environment. The main emphasis is placed on the system of psychological and pedagogical support for children with special educational needs, the problem of organization and content of optimal psychological and pedagogical support for children with special educational needs. Also, in modern conditions of education development, its staffing plays a decisive role. The main positions in the inclusive resource center for the provision of psychological-pedagogical and correctional-developmental services were considered. Attention is paid to the issues of the quality of personnel support of the inclusive resource center, namely, the high level of professional competence of specialists, proper training and retraining, regularity of raising one's professional level. There is a well-founded need to plan the activities of the inclusive resource center in several areas: advisory assistance to families raising special children, provision of a comprehensive assessment of children, and assistance to educational institutions in drawing up and implementing an individual child development program. The importance of the leading task of the inclusive resource center in the child's needs for psychological and pedagogical support is determined. The experience of scientists and practitioners on this issue was analyzed and systematized in accordance with today's requirements. The main functions and tasks of the inclusive resource center are characterized: expert-diagnostic, information-analytical, organizational, methodical, consultative, provision of psychological-pedagogical, correctional-developmental services. The need for careful and professional diagnosis of the child and determination of clear conclusions and recommendations, which become the basis of an individual development program, is also considered. The cooperation of the specialists of the inclusive resource center with educational institutions regarding inclusive education, the algorithm of professional interaction of the specialists of the inclusive resource center and the team of psychological and pedagogical support of the educational institution was analyzed.


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How to Cite

Калініна, Т. С., & Яцинік, А. В. (2024). THEORETICAL ANALYSIS OF THE ACTIVITY OF INCLUSIVE RESOURCE CENTERS. Scientific Bulletin of Uzhhorod National University. Series: Psychology, (2), 119-123.