motivation, technique, stressful conditions, emotions, volitional potential, locus of control, self-esteem, professional activity.Abstract
The article describes the method of researching the motivation of the professional activity of the staff of Ukrzaliznytsia in stressful conditions. A comprehensive program of empirical analysis has been developed, which includes the study of emotional orientation, stress resistance, adaptability, organization, volitional potential, perfectionism, motivation to achieve success and avoid failure. Four components of the motivation of the professional activity of the staff of Ukrzaliznytsia – orientational, activation-motivational, operational-executive, and implementation – determine the structure of the study. Each of these components helps to better understand how various psychological factors affect the motivation of personnel in the work process, especially in stressful conditions. The following psychodiagnostic toolkit for studying the motivation of the professional activity of Ukrzaliznytsia personnel in stressful conditions is proposed: Methodology "Determining the structure of emotional orientation according to V. A. Semichenko; A test to detect stress resistance of an individual" (author V. A. Semichenko); Test "Self-assessment of adaptability" by S. I. Boltivets (modified version); Spielberger and Hanin Reactive and Personal Anxiety Scale); Test "Your organization" according to E. I. Komarov; The method of studying the volitional potential of an individual" according to N. P. Fetiskina; Multidimensional scale of perfectionism" by P. Hewitt and H. Flett (adaptation by I. I. Grachova); The method of determining the motivation of professional activity (the method of K. Zamfir in the modification of A. A. Rean); Test of subjective localization of control (modification of J. Rotter's scale by S. R. Pantileev, V. V. Stolin); Methodology for studying motivation to achieve goals and success according to T. Ehlers; Methodology for studying the motivation of avoiding failures according to T. Ehlers; Methodology "Value orientations" by M. Rokich. The conclusions drawn are that the use of an integrated approach, including both quantitative and qualitative research methods, will provide a comprehensive understanding of the phenomenon of motivation under stressful conditions. This will allow not only to determine the degree of influence of stressful factors on motivation, but also to identify specific mechanisms of their interaction.
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