political self-determination, social identity, ideological affiliation, political consciousness, collective identity, socio-political dynamics.Abstract
Political self-determination is becoming increasingly important in contemporary discourse, closely intertwined with individual agency, socio-political dynamics, and collective identity formation. Drawing on interdisciplinary knowledge from psychology, sociology, and political science, this article offers a comprehensive study of the nature and consequences of political self-determination. Synthesizing domestic and international scholarship, the study delves into the various interpretations of political self-determination. Key themes discussed in the paper include the role of self-determination in shaping political consciousness, the impact of social identity and ideological affiliation on individual self-perception, and the complex relationship between personal autonomy and collective belonging. In addition, the study examines the broader socio-political implications of selfdetermination, such as its impact on political socialization, leadership dynamics, and the formation of political ideologies. Through a critical analysis of scholarly views, in particular those of such well-known researchers as A. Krasnyakova and H. Tsyganenko, the article emphasizes the multidimensional nature of political self-determination and its profound significance in shaping individual beliefs, behavior, and political orientations. By examining the dynamic interaction between individual consciousness and socio-political dynamics, the study demonstrates the transformative potential of active and engaged citizens in shaping the course of political development. This article offers a detailed and thorough understanding of political self-determination as a complex and dynamic process that intersects with various factors, including personal experience, social identity, and ideological frameworks. By synthesizing different scholarly perspectives, the study contributes to a deeper understanding of the complex nature of political self-determination and its ongoing relevance in contemporary society.
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