
  • S. I. Bilozerska



axiologization, axiological approach, subjectivity, personalization, pedagogical activity, values, value orientations


A content analysis of the sources allowed us to state that the value (axiological) approach is largely implemented in modern theory and practice of higher pedagogical education. It is the axiological approach to professional pedagogical training that involves the formation of students’ value orientations, which set the general focus on the interests and aspirations of an individual, the hierarchy of individual preferences, motivational program and, ultimately, determine the level of readiness of future professionals to implement life and professional plans. The article argues that the process of value formation of the future teacher at the stage of professional and pedagogical training involves purposeful, systematic movement through cognition, value comprehension and evaluation to the creative transformation of knowledge, the formation of the ability to continuous self-development and self-improvement and the formed value orientations are the basis for the formation of the value attitude of the individual to future pedagogical activity. The groups of basic values of university education are characterized, which include academic values, the values of personal growth and well-being, social values, and organizational values. There are four stages of axiologization of pedagogical education (adaptation, subject orientation, personalization), which, in our opinion, are axiological guidelines for improving the quality of pedagogical education. The future teachers’ axiological knowledge and skills, at each of these stages, will ensure a harmonious attitude of an individual to their own lives and pedagogical activities, through the formation of a holistic view of the world, themselves and others, updating the subjective position to build their own trajectory of education for self-development, achieving success in educational, scientific, and professional activities. At the same time, the axiological approach helps determine the strategy and prospects of development of the pedagogical system, reveal the spiritual, moral, personal and professional potential of the individual and fill the content of the educational process on the basis of values.


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How to Cite

Білозерська, С. І. (2022). AXIOLOGICAL GUIDELINES FOR IMPROVING THE QUALITY OF PEDAGOGICAL EDUCATION. Scientific Bulletin of Uzhhorod National University. Series: Psychology, (3), 75-80.