
  • I. S. Klymenko Interregional Academy of Personnel Management



mental health, medical rehabilitation, depression, PTSD, anxiety disorders, depressive syndrome, anxietydepressive syndrome


The article analyzes the medical condition of those affected by the war in Ukraine, their physical health, potential medical problems, and their impact on mental health. An analysis of the frequency of PTSD, depression, and anxiety disorders among servicemen of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Territorial Defense, prisoners of war, individuals from temporarily occupied territories, and internally displaced persons (IDPs) depending on the prevalence of diseases has been conducted. An analysis of general well-being assessments and the need for medical consultation is also provided. The scientific approaches to the diagnosis and treatment of these medical and psychological problems have been reviewed and summarized. Special attention is given to a comprehensive approach that includes medical rehabilitation and psychological support to improve the overall health of the affected individuals. Modern methods and practices used to assist these population groups are highlighted, including the use of interdisciplinary teams consisting of doctors, psychologists, psychotherapists, and social workers. The prospects for further research and development in the field of medical care for those affected by the war in Ukraine are discussed, particularly regarding the integration of new technologies in the rehabilitation and treatment process, as well as increasing awareness among healthcare workers and the population about effective methods for supporting physical and mental health. According to the research results, the frequency of PTSD among the affected varies depending on the presence of different somatic diseases. Specifically, 67% of the subjects had PTSD, with the highest frequency among those with nervous system diseases and digestive organ diseases. Anxiety disorders manifested in 10% of individuals without somatic diseases, while the presence of a somatic disease increased the risk of developing anxiety disorders. Depression was least frequent among individuals without somatic diseases (3%), but the rate significantly increased with the presence of digestive organ diseases (14%), nervous system diseases (11%), and endocrine system diseases (12%). Recommendations for improving the system of medical and psychological care, considering the specific needs of different categories of the affected, are proposed. The prospects for further research and development in the field of medical care for those affected by the war in Ukraine are also considered.


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How to Cite

Клименко, І. С. (2024). MEDICAL CONDITION OF WAR VICTIMS IN UKRAINE: PHYSICAL HEALTH, MEDICAL PROBLEMS, AND THEIR IMPACT ON MENTAL HEALTH. Scientific Bulletin of Uzhhorod National University. Series: Psychology, (3), 33-38.