combatant, family, psychological family adaptation, support system, traumatic eventAbstract
The article examines the empirical study of the psychological characteristics of combatants and their family members who were affected by a traumatic event. Special attention is focused on the study and evaluation of psychological factors of family adaptation of combatants to peaceful life, determination of the relationship between psychological features and structural components of psychological factors of combatants and their family members. On the basis of a systemic approach, the psychological features and features of family relationships of combatants, which affect family adaptation, were studied. The article examines the assumption: the family is an important aspect of successful adaptation for combatants, in particular, the support and understanding of the close family environment plays a key role in the successful readaptation of combatants to the conditions of peaceful life and the restoration of their psychological state. Psychological factors of family adaptation of combatants were studied and personal traits, features of post-traumatic stress disorder, its influence on post-traumatic growth, perception of social support, identification of disorders related to alcohol consumption were identified. As a result of the comprehensive analysis, the possibility of acceptance by combatants of psychocorrective measures and the formation of primary therapeutic groups depending on the extreme indicators of methods, scales, and tests for their inclusion in the «System of support for psychological family adaptation of combatants» was determined. It has been proven that the family is an important resource for supporting a combatant during the adaptation period. The «System of support for psychological family adaptation of combatants» was substantiated and implemented, and its effectiveness was also evaluated.
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