
  • M. V. Karpovets National University "Ostroh Academy"



cognitive sphere, cognitive components, understanding, performance, performativity, staging, mimesis, studentsʼ learning activities


The article presents a theoretical analysis of performative staging as an element of students’ learning activities. It is stated that staging can affect the cognitive sphere of students in the learning process, as it involves not only theoretical but also active reproduction of the material through a certain acting out on stage. The teacher sets a framework for reproducing tasks within which students try to transform the material into their own experience through performance. It is shown that the critical mechanism in performative staging is mimesis as a form of socialization of the individual and the establishment of connections with the outside world. In this context, the teacher’s figure plays a key role because the success of the staging and cognitive results directly depends on how clearly and convincingly, he/she directs the educational performance. Staging reveals activity as an element of students’ cognitive sphere, as it involves practical, active, and body-oriented reproduction of the material. Since performance involves collective activity, staging facilitates the mastery of the material through common activity. Hence, cognitive regulation through performance as an activity in higher education allows students to gain professional and social experience. Staging becomes a form of transferring knowledge through action and interaction with external reality. It is proved that due to the possibility of spontaneity in learning activities, students can perform the material more individually, transfer it to the sphere of feelings and experience. This individual learning style through performance creates equal conditions for all subjects of learning, ensuring a fair and inclusive educational process.


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How to Cite

Карповець, М. В. (2024). THE COGNITIVE DIMENSION OF PERFORMATIVE STAGING IN STUDENTS’ LEARNING ACTIVITIES. Scientific Bulletin of Uzhhorod National University. Series: Psychology, (3), 55-59.