
  • N. O. Mosol Zaporizhzhia National University



trust, interpersonal trust, higher education student, higher education teacher, trust relations, professional growth, educational process, youth


The article is devoted to the study of psychological aspects affecting the formation of interpersonal trust between teachers and students in higher education institutions. Through theoretical analysis it was investigated how trust affects the organisation of the educational process, achieving a high level of knowledge, developing the student’s personality, as well as his future professional and personal self-realisation. The modern approach to such interaction involves the establishment of trusting relations between the participants of the educational process. This contributes to the improvement of the process of acquiring knowledge, skills and professional abilities in accordance with the requirements of modern society. The article highlights the advantages of the creation of interpersonal relations of trust in the educational environment, especially with regard to the effective solution of educational and life problems, and the existence of those personality qualities of both the teacher and the student that contribute to the emergence of such interaction. Modern approaches to education increasingly emphasise the importance of the development of relationships of trust between participants in the educational process. It is emphasised that trust is the main prerequisite for positive interaction between the teacher and the students, as well as between the students themselves, which allows this interaction to take place in the form of cooperation at the subject level. In summary, interpersonal trust contributes to the establishment of effective and productive relationships in the educational process. The article reviews the theoretical foundations of interpersonal trust, analyzing the key personal characteristics of teachers that contribute to the development of trust, features of the formation of trust in young people, and also provides recommendations for improving the effectiveness of interaction in the educational process. It is concluded that trust between teachers and students is an important prerequisite for successful learning and personal growth during studies at higher educational institutions; and developing personal qualities that contribute to building trusting interpersonal relationships between participants in the educational process contributes to more harmonious youth development and an ecological psychological atmosphere in higher educational institutions.


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How to Cite

Мосол, Н. О. (2024). PSYCHOLOGICAL ASPECTS OF INTERPERSONAL TRUST OF STUDENTS AND TEACHERS IN INSTITUTIONS OF HIGHER EDUCATION. Scientific Bulletin of Uzhhorod National University. Series: Psychology, (3), 60-63.