
  • V. O. Oliinyk Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs
  • S. O. Larionov National Academy of the National Guard of Ukraine




post-traumatic growth, post-experiential growth, experience; socio-cultural narratives, discourse, servicemen – combatants


The article analyzes the role of the modern socio-cultural context in the development of positive psychological changes in servicemen – combatants as a result of living through traumatic and negative stressful events. These changes are conceptualized as post-experiential growth, which is manifested in changes in self-perception, interaction with others, philosophy of life and life values. The author reveals the cause-and-effect relationships of socio-cultural influences of Ukrainian society on the post-experiential growth of individuals with traumatic / negative stressful experience in wartime and postwar, which will determine the choice of the most effective and innovative ways to the choice of the most effective and innovative ways of psychological rehabilitation and recovery of people with war experience. This determines the relevance of the study. The article substantiates the author’s conceptual model of of post-experiential personality growth. Modern views of scientists on the process of influence of the social and cultural contexts of Western civilization, to which the Ukrainian people belong to which the Ukrainian people belong, on the development of post-experiential growth of a serviceman’s personality. The dual influences of multilevel socio-cultural narratives (proximal and distal) on the construction of personal experience. The structural elements of the interaction of socio-cultural, life, personal and personal experience. It is shown that taking into account the socio-cultural context of psychological changes that underlie post-experiential personality growth, will contribute to the preservation, maintenance, and qualitative restoration of the mental health of the population of Ukraine in the postwar period.


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How to Cite

Олійник, В. О., & Ларіонов, С. О. (2024). A CONCEPTUAL MODEL OF POST-EXPERIENTIAL GROWTH OF A SERVICEMAN’S PERSONALITY IN THE MODERN SOCIO-CULTURAL CONTEXT. Scientific Bulletin of Uzhhorod National University. Series: Psychology, (3), 101-107. https://doi.org/10.32782/psy-visnyk/2024.3.19

