
  • Yu. O. Asieieva Odesa National Economic University
  • K. O. Shalaieva South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky



management, leader, personnel, professionalism, emotional intelligence, motivation


The article tracks the influx of managerial interactions and motivation to change organizational culture. Organizational culture, as a set of values, redefines the norms of behavior that are instilled in organizations, plays a key role in achieving strategic goals and maintaining competitiveness. Successful change management in organizational culture depends on effective interaction between management and personnel and a reliable motivation system. Analizuychi theoretical to the managerinn, the authors to puzzle on the important Vidkriti dialog Mzh Kerivnitz with that pratzikhniki, the barrel of the minds for the infamous ivs of the requirements of the skin of the skin Kolektivniy. It has been shown that trust and mutuality are the basis for effective communication, which reduces the support of change. It is with great respect that nutritional motivation is given as one of the main factors that influences adaptation to innovation. Various theories of motivation and their practical relevance in the minds of changing organizational culture are examined. Zokrem, focuses on the need for an individual approach to stimulating workers, taking into account their specific motives and needs. An important aspect is also recognition of achievement and reward for high results, which enhances motivation and fosters the development of loyalty to the organization. The conclusions emphasize that a sufficient level of emotional intelligence of a leader builds organizational culture changes through managerial interaction and motivation based on a systematic approach and clear planning. The application of complex management methods that take into account the human factor makes it possible to achieve sustainable positive changes and increase the overall efficiency of the organization. This article will be useful for researchers, managers and practitioners who seek to improve the organizational culture of their enterprises through the improvement of management approaches and motivational strategies.


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How to Cite

Асєєва, Ю. О., & Шалаєва, К. О. (2024). INFLUENCE OF MANAGEMENT CULTURE ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF ORGANIZATIONS. Scientific Bulletin of Uzhhorod National University. Series: Psychology, (3), 108-112.

