youth, civil marriage, relationship, de facto marital relationship, relationship, familyAbstract
The article analyzes the psychological features of the entry of young people into a civil marriage, analyzes the theoretical base, and conducts an empirical study. It was concluded that the choice of the form of marriage (informal or official) by young people is related to the influence of various factors: a) social, which include economic factors acting at the level of society, such as: liberalization of public opinion, a long period of study and career growth, economic instability in the country, prohibition or difficulties of divorce, economic independence of women, technical progress, place of residence, education, etc.; b) socio-psychological, which are caused by a change in sexual morality, the permissibility of premarital sexual relations; the dominance of marital values over the values of parenthood and kinship, orientation to extra-family values. It has been established that informal youth associations are heterogeneous and diverse depending on the motives for joining a premarital union and the functions performed by special «experimental» unions; informal marriages of young people are shorter, break up faster and more often than official ones. As a result of an empirical study of the psychological portraits of partners in a youth official/unofficial marriage, the specifics of conflicts in an official/unofficial marriage, it was established: 1) partners in unofficial cohabitation relationships are not characterized by a high level of commitment; at the same time, self-directedness, demonstrativeness and omnipotence tend to be much greater for spouses who are in an official marriage; 2) men who are in an unofficial marriage are characterized by rather conservative views, being very cautious in their actions and making decisions about entering into marriage only with a time-tested partner; women who are in cohabitation relationships show traits of a certain radicality, willingness to experiment, openness and loyalty to everyday inconveniences and ways of expression of their partner, on the other hand, partners in an official marriage have high self-esteem, much higher than women, in an informal marriage – men, these men have a certain level of aggression, it is also significantly higher compared to men who are in an official marriage.
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