
  • M. V. Avramenko



psychological features, manifestations, stress resistance, entrepreneurs, trade sphere


The article presents a comparative analysis of the characteristics of the manifestations and the level of stress resistance between a group of entrepreneurs with compensated stress and with pronounced stress on direct and indirect indicators. The empirical study used methods aimed at determining the quantitative characteristics of occupational stress – “Test for stress resistance”, “Test of self-assessment of stress resistance” (S. Cohen and G. Williamson) and qualitative indicators of its manifestations – “Comprehensive assessment of stress” and (Yu. Shcherbatykh). Personal characteristics were determined by the method of “The Sixteen Personality Factor Questionnaire (Cattell)” with the definition of emotional, volitional, communicative and intellectual areas of the study. It is established that the high level of stress resistance in the group with compensated stress is due to the harmonious combination of the functioning of emotional, behavioral, intellectual and physiological indicators. At the same time, it is proved that the representatives of the group with compensated stress are characterized by such a high level of individual psychological characteristics as emotional stability, communication skills and intelligence. At the same time, a comparative analysis of indicators of the group of compensated and severe stress revealed that people with severe stress have a high level of occupational stress, emotional, intellectual and physiological symptoms, which along with the high level of sensitivity to stressors led to. At the same time, a low level of such individual psychological features as emotional stability, communicative abilities were revealed, which in general causes a low level of resistance to stress in people with severe stress and indicates the need for psychological correction.


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How to Cite

Авраменко, М. В. (2022). PSYCHOLOGICAL FEATURES OF COMMERCIAL ENTREPRENEURS’ STRESS RESISTENCE. Scientific Bulletin of Uzhhorod National University. Series: Psychology, (3), 107-112.

