
  • S. L. Chunikhina



code of ethics, ethical dilemma, political psychology, professional activity, political-psychological expertise


The article analyzes the specific ethical conditions of a political psychologist`s activity: the dual nature of the relationship with the client, the asymmetry of power in relations with the client, the public nature of political relations, and more. The author describes some common ethical dilemmas in the political psychologist’s activity, which, in particular, originate from generalized conflicts between the interests of society as a whole and the interests of peculiar political groups or actors involved in the redistribution of power resources. On this ground, the need to develop a separate code of ethics of a political psychologist in Ukraine is substantiated, and its main thematic areas are outlined. The results of an expert survey (N = 79) on the ethics of a political psychologist are presented. While some ethical issues meet a stable expert consensus or possibility to form the sort of accordance. However, another one splits the expert’s opinion or shows a high degree of uncertainty, and therefore needs to be addressed as a matter of priority are singled out. In particular, 48 % of respondents support developing a separate code of ethics to regulate psychologists’ activities in the political sphere. 42 % believe that such a code is not required because general ethical principles are enough. 56 % of respondents believe that the requirements for confidentiality for a political psychologist are the same as for any psychologist. 37 % believe that the number of conditions for breach of confidentiality should be expanded if the work of a psychologist affects the interests of society. The most contradictory was the attitude of a political psychologist to compile a psychological portrait of a politician or a powerful person at the request of the media in order to further disclose such information: 32 % of experts believe that such information should be public, 20 % believe that it can be done if specialist had direct contact with the object of study only, 33 % object to this at all.


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How to Cite

Чуніхіна, С. Л. (2022). ETHICAL PRINCIPLES FOR POLITICAL PSYCHOLOGIST. Scientific Bulletin of Uzhhorod National University. Series: Psychology, (3), 125-130.