
  • O. A. Loshenko
  • V. I. Kondratieva
  • T. S. Kyrylenko



time perspective, personality, values, world outlook orientations, future orientation


This article presents the research results of time perspectives awareness in connection with different life-meaning orientations of Ukrainian youth. Reviewed and substantiated the relevance problem factors of satisfaction with life at a young age and connection with an awareness of time and time perspective. An online study was conducted on the relationship between time perspective and meaningful life orientations in young people aged 18 to 27, a total of 75 people participated in the study. A questionnaire of meaningful life orientations by D. Leontiev was used to study the life meanings of the individual. Using the scale of semantic life orientations, we identified three groups of subjects: low levels of life meanings (11), medium (46) and high (18). To assess the quality of emotional experiences of the individual, we used a questionnaire of subjective well-being adapted by M. Sokolova, which assesses the quality of emotional experiences of the subject in the range from optimism, cheerfulness and self-confidence to depression, irritability and loneliness. In order to determine the focus on assessing the attitude to time, and therefore – to assess the attitude of the individual to the surrounding reality in general, as well as to himself, his experience and future prospects, we chose the method of Zimbardo’s time perspective. In the adaptation, the questionnaire has 5 main scales: “negative past”, “hedonistic present”, “future”, “positive past”, “fatalistic present”. The results of an empirical research are presented, according to the overwhelming majority of young people have average and high satisfaction. Determined features of the time perspective and the age characteristics of the studied persons corresponding to the subject.


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How to Cite

Льошенко, О. А., Кондратьєва, В. І., & Кириленко, Т. С. (2022). PSYCHOLOGICAL PERCEPTION FEATURES OF TIME PERSPECTIVE FOR YOUNG PEOPLE WITH DIFFERENT LIFE MEANINGS. Scientific Bulletin of Uzhhorod National University. Series: Psychology, (4), 7-11.