
  • O. S. Sandal



emotional styles, traumatic experience, cognitive regulation, psychological protection, affect, dissociation, methods for studying emotional styles


The article analyzes the impact on people with traumatic experience of changes in habitual social interaction, uncontrolled situation with regard to life safety caused by the armed conflict in eastern Ukraine, the COVID-19 pandemic, climate change. Due to the importance of studying the consequences of experiencing traumatic experiences, the ability to regulate emotions and recover from emotional stress. It is emphasized that the functioning of the emotional mechanisms of individuals and activities are crucial for maintaining well-being and/or lead to various types of psychopathologies. The assumption is substantiated that the study of the peculiarities of emotional styles in people with traumatic experiences is a necessary condition for the basis of psychological and physiological well-being for both individual and social development. This determines the relevance of the study. Diagnostic techniques have been identified that make it possible to empirically investigate the features of emotional styles in people with traumatic experiences, which includes two blocks of techniques. The first block of methods for studying indicators of emotional styles includes cognitive regulation, attributive styles, mechanisms of psychological protection, emotional attitude, positive and negative affect, tolerance for uncertainty. The second block of methods for studying the signs of traumatic experience includes indicators of dissociation, intensity of peritraumatic dissociation, symptomatic disorders. The conclusions present a set of diagnostic techniques for studying the features of emotional styles in people with traumatic experiences, which can be used in the process of psychological correction of maladaptive emotional styles in people with traumatic experiences. The prospect of further scientific research in conducting empirical research using selected methods is outlined.


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How to Cite

Сандал, О. С. (2022). COMPLEX METHOD FOR RESEARCH OF FEATURES OF EMOTIONAL STYLES IN PERSONS WITH TRAUMATIC EXPERIENCE. Scientific Bulletin of Uzhhorod National University. Series: Psychology, (4), 12-16.