personality’s individual erotic code, cultural code, sexual scenarios, erotic personality code, sources and means of personality’s individual erotic code formationAbstract
The article is devoted to the individual erotic code of personality phenomenon theoretical analysis, definition of its essential features. Vectors of individual erotic code of personality problem comprehension are presented and its definition is given, which is comparable to similar in content scientific concepts described by other scientists. The common and distinctive features of the personality’s individual erotic code concepts and the concepts of cultural and erotic code of man, sexual scenarios and attitude to one’s own corporeality are determined. On the basis of theoretical sources generalization the personality’s individual erotic code formation source system is presented. To this system we carry cultural codes; the individual different spheres of socialization influence; individual human experience; mastered patterns of family interaction; individual code transformation systems. The personality’s individual erotic code formation system of means is presented. To this system we carry out cultural rituals; the influence of the media; live communication with representatives of cultural traditions and norms; formation of the canons of corporeality; symbolic images of creativity. It is generalized that the personality’s individual erotic code formation system of means reflects typical ways of culturological information assimilation, personality inculturation process, assimilation of cultural experience and formation of individual erotic code on this basis – as a result. The system of identified sources and means of individual erotic code forming demonstrates the unity of cultural codes of the individual with his assimilation of cultural rituals and symbolic images of creativity, which are also assimilated by the media and communication with cultural media. The influence of socialization spheres on the formation of individual erotic code is marked as related to the influence of the media as a translator of cultural values of a certain time, however, it is important that this source is associated with communication with culture, rituals and images.
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