
  • V. M. Synyshyna



suicidal behavior, psychological help, psychotherapy, euthymic techniques, motivational euthymic techniques, positive relaxation techniques, COVID-19


The article highlights the theoretical aspects of the problem of providing psychological assistance to suicides. An analysis of the concept of euthymic technique as a means of therapy for the experience of pleasure and enjoyment in order to eliminate suicidal ideations is presented. There are some types of euthymic techniques: motivational and progressive relaxation. The reasons for the effectiveness and necessity of using euthymic techniques in the conditions of COVID-19 are revealed. It is pointed out that the problem of providing psychological assistance to suicides to counteract suicidal ideations is currently extremely necessary and important, as the pandemic has caused a wide range of negative emotions in humanity and each individual. Therefore, there is a growing need for psychologists to help with suicide: counseling, support, support and psychological crisis intervention with effective gentle methods. This need requires psychological science to deepen and constantly search for optimal ways to overcome suicide. The development of psychotherapy has been associated with numerous attempts by psychoanalysts to find the causes of mental disorders. This often took a long time to immerse oneself in the analysis of traumas hidden in the subconscious, to immerse oneself in the past and look there for pain and suffering that prevent individuals from living fully. In the 50-s of the XX century, a new direction in psychotherapy, this was a real competition for psychoanalysis: behavioral (behavioral) therapy. The therapy was based on the idea that the elimination of painful symptoms is quite possible without knowing the reasons that existed in the past. Often such methods of psychotherapy are called asymptomatic (asymptomatic). As part of behavioral therapy, the asymptomatic approach has emerged relatively recently in the form of techniques and pleasure training. Experience with the use of asymptomatic psychotherapy shows that the reorientation of human attention from negative events and phenomena to events and phenomena that bring pleasure, leads to psychological well-being and improved health.


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How to Cite

Синишина, В. М. (2022). EUTIME TECHNIQUES AS PREVENTION AND ANTI-CRISIS INTERVENTION IN CASE OF ACTUAL SUICIDE ORIENTATION. Scientific Bulletin of Uzhhorod National University. Series: Psychology, (4), 27-32.