
  • T. V. Bohdan




aging process, aging factors, cognitive processes, cognitive functions, physiological factors, sensory perception


The article considers the problem of properties of cognitive processes in elderly people, which is relevant for modern ageing and social psychology. The material on the main factors influencing the cognitive functions of the elderly and their representation in psychological scientific theories is presented. The role of the deterioration of sensory perception in old age and the narrowing of awareness in modern technologies and changes in the world and their impact on the functioning of attention, memory and thinking are emphasized. Brief characteristics of the main cognitive processes for this study and the specifics of their changes in older people are given. The purpose of the article was to highlight the results of a study of attention, memory and thinking in the elderly compared to young people. A study of the cognitive functions of older people compared to young people was described. The latter is interesting because, according to the analysis of scientific sources, there is a certain decrease, however, a systematic study of this issue in domestic psychology has not been carried out as well as insufficient research on how significant it may be. Three criteria were chosen: memory, attention and thinking. The parameters of these parameters were measured using the methods: “Schulte tables”, “Memory of numbers”, “Progressive Ravenn matrices”. These techniques make it possible to obtain data on the age-specific features of cognitive processes. Conclusions. The existence of differences in the cognitive sphere of older people compared to young people is proved and the reasons for this difference are substantiated. Recommendations for the correction of lifestyle that directly affects the quality of cognitive processes in old age are presented.


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How to Cite

Богдан, Т. В. (2022). FEATURES OF COGNITIVE PROCESSES IN THE ELDERLY. Scientific Bulletin of Uzhhorod National University. Series: Psychology, (4), 33-36. https://doi.org/10.32782/psy-visnyk/2021.4.6

