sovereignty of psychological space, psychological boundaries, empathy, polycommunicative empathy, emotional intelligence, studentsAbstract
The article investigates the characteristics of empathy and sovereignty of various parameters of the psychological space of students. Gender features of the studied phenomena are clarified. The theoretical analysis of the introduction of the concepts of the psychological space into scientific use, various approaches to understanding the phenomenon of sovereignty are investigated. It is affirmed that the sovereign personality is striving for the implementation of his abilities, reveals the attraction to expand his capabilities and acquisition of new skills, which is why the paramount characteristic of the sovereign personality is formed psychological boundaries. With the help of them, the person regulates the extent of the availability and openness of his own psychological content. Psychological boundaries perform a function of supporting a sustainable image "I" (S.K. Nartova-Bochaver, T.S. Levi). The levels of formation of body sovereignty, sovereignty of the territory, things, social ties, habits and values of students are established. It has been found that the sovereignty of students’ values is best formed. The approaches to the study of empathy are theoretically investigated, various types and features of its manifestation are considered. It has been found that a student age is very important for the positive dynamics of empathy, its integration into personal quality. Even in the early youth age, empathy becomes an integral characteristic of the individual, which manifests his attitude to the world, people and to his own person (L.P. Zhuravlova). Empirically established that the empathy of students is at an average level of formation. The relationship between the indicators of empathy and the sovereignty of the psychological space was revealed. It is found that the parameters of the sovereignty of the psychological space are mostly correlated with the indicators of polycommunicative empathy negatively.
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