communication, tolerance, communicative tolerance, empathy, communicative competence, personalityAbstract
Penitentiary service employees professional work requires certain personal and communicative competencies, as this work includes communications with different people: convicts, colleagues, visitors, etc. Thus, communicative tolerance is very important for the specialists. The article purpose was to present the empirical study revealing communicative tolerance of the academy military students in comparison with civil students. Low communicative tolerance was revealed and it was manifested via: low empathy, rejection and misunderstanding of another’s personality, big bow-wow assessments of other people, inability to hide attitude to a communicative partner, desire to re-educate a communicative partner or make fit them to one’s own views, inability to forgive mistakes, poor adaptation to personal traits or mood (pain, fatigue, etc.) of another person. Low communicative tolerance appeared also as veiled or overt cruelty to others. Civil students from the Faculty of Psychology had higher empathy and better communicative tolerance, in particular social tolerance, compared to military students, as well as better developed tolerance as a personality trait. The study results suggested that, at the current stage of higher education reforms, professional training of future penitentiary staff should be aimed not only at professional knowledge and skills, but also at formation of future specialists’ personality, including their communicative tolerance to different groups that would be met by them during professional communication. Our further investigations will be aimed at this problem solving.
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