students, mechanisms of psychological protection, decision making, unconscious processesAbstract
There are to make theoretical and empirical research of special mechanisms of psychological protection and ability to self-management psychologist students in the article. The goal of the research was to install the general type mechanisms of psychological protection and level of ability to self-management psychologist students during distance study. The theoretical analyses on the topic of experience watched that self-management is the important component in the structure of the personality that participates in the regulation activity of the person. Self-management is definitely a multi structural phenomenon that has such components as analyses contradictions, prognosis, put the goal, a form of criteria check of quality, take the decision to activity, control, and correction. 32 students were the participants of research. The methods of research were the next methodic “Diagnosis of typologies of psychological protection (R. Plutchik in the adaptation of L.I. Wasserman, O.F. Erishev, E.B. Klubov, etc.)”, “Ability to self-government (according to N.M. Peysakhova)”. The results of the research were that the students- psychologist uses such mechanisms of psychological protection like during distance study regression, compensation, substitution, and denial. The level of ability to self-management is an average indicator. Correlation analyses confirmed negative influence such mechanisms of psychological protection like “regression”, “compensation”, “reactive formation” to general ability to self-management, put the goal, analyses contradictions. However, there were to install a positive connection between the mechanism of psychological protection “denial” and general ability to self-management.
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