
  • T. V. Savytska
  • Ye. V. Horbenko
  • N. M. Madzhar



foreign student, international communicators, propaedeutic stage, stress, stress resistance, psychological features, adaptation, training, coping behavior


Stress is an integral part of every student’s life, including a foreign one. On the one hand, it helps to adapt to new living and learning conditions, on the other hand, it affects efficiency and productivity. Usually, it is stress that motivates a person to mobilize forces to overcome obstacles, has a positive effect on our body if it is not protracted and systematic, although the concept of «stress» has mostly negative connotations such as sensations, sense of powerlessness, helplessness, despair. Nervousness, isolation, conflict, indifference, failure, lack of interest in learning indicates the difficulties of the adaptation period. Living in a face-paced world with dynamic changes and expectations requires the formation of the ability to adequately respond to everyday critical situations while maintaining efficiency and psychological stability, which is of great practical importance because stress protects a person from disintegration, personality disorders, psyche, creates inner harmony and health. Personal characteristics and features of the age group of students, mostly in a state of creation and development. In a multinational student audience are people with different mentalities, worldviews and perceptions of reality. Formation of resilience to stress for the students is the key to their effective activity, successful adaptation in all areas and, in particular, to study in higher education institutions. A research paper analyses the impact of emotional experiences, stress and resilience on the process of adaptation of foreign students to new living and learning conditions. The psychological features of emotional experiences of international communicators of the pre-university stage of study and individual features of their behavioral activity in stressful conditions are generalized. The paper shows the ways to support student’s wellbeing and emotional state, factors influencing student learning and developing resilience.


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How to Cite

Савицька, Т. В., Горбенко, Є. В., & Маджар, Н. М. (2022). STRATEGY FOR OVERCOMING STRESS STATED BY FOREIGN STUDENTS AT THE PROPAEDEUTIC STAGE OF EDUCATION. Scientific Bulletin of Uzhhorod National University. Series: Psychology, (4), 108-112.