design strategy, coping, transformational changes, informal education, good taste for lifeAbstract
The material of the article is devoted to the constructed model for stress resistance and resiliency forming. The model is appropriate to the requests for psychological and physical safety increasing in modern challenges and crises. During the study, significant characteristics of stress resistance and resilience were found; they were correlated with each other and with higher human needs. The authoress has defined person’s stress resistance as the ability to realize one’s situational frustration and overcome it with effective practical actions to achieve the appropriate goals. It is found out that resilience is a mature complex personality’s neoplasm; it is defined by the authoress as such a formed dynamic quality, in which the individual feels a good taste for life not despite the challenges and difficulties, but thanks to them; personality becomes an expanded subjectivity – the integral transcendental Me, in which life becomes of particular value as an all-encompassing existentiality. It is supposed that the manifestations of resilience reveal itself in a creative approach to meeting higher needs ( love, learn, overcome obstacles, go through a new experience, go out of previous self-paradigm), as well as in gained tolerance for uncertainty, pain, mistakes and death as a natural phenomenon. The authoress has made a model for a design strategy of stress resistance and resilience for transformational changes in personality in conditions of uncertainty and tension. The model is implemented in the training course "Design strategy for stress resistance and resilience". The course includes three modules – “Commitment”, “Control”, “Challenge”. They are associated with appropriate psychotherapeutic concepts as an instrumental arsenal. Each module integrates the basic methods of “playing with opposites”, “balance between the mental field and physical actions”, “playing intelligence” and is focused on emotions, bodily state and sensor feelings, communication and relationship, surrounding and resources. There is given as an example step-bystep structure of the author’s method – “playing with opposites”.
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