self-attitude, self-concept, self-assessment, self-acceptance, self-confidence, correlation analysisAbstract
Ukrainian society is currently experiencing socio-psychological difficulties, primarily related to the pandemic in the world, the unstable financial and economic situation and socio-political turmoil that has affected every family. All this creates a significant number of stressors for the population. Quarantine restrictions, the constant presence of a person in a stressful situation causes difficulties in maintaining the psychological comfort of members of our society, due to changing living conditions. All this also applies to students, future psychologists. The purpose of the article is to identify and explore the psychological characteristics of self-esteem in students of psychology, providing recommendations. The article is devoted to the study of the phenomenon of self-relation. The object of the scientific article is to study the phenomenon of self-attitude. The subject of the study are the psychological features of self-attitude of students – psychologists of different years of study. The article compares the first year students and the combined group of second and third year students, the results allow us to explore the development of self-attitude from students without psychological experience to students with certain psychological knowledge. The work will be interesting for teachers of psychology, students, administration of educational institutions. The article provides an analysis of scientific psychological approaches to the problem of identifying the essence of the concept of self-attitude. Accordingly, self-attitude was defined as a specific, stable attitude of man to his own “I”, which is manifested in the personal, emotional, social and behavioral spheres of life. The works of the following scientists are considered: S.R. Pantileev, N.I. Sardzhveladze, V.V. Stolin, I.I. Chesnokova, W. James, C. Cooley, D. Mead, K. Rogers, R. Burns, M. Rosenberg, S. Coopersmith, A. Maslow, S. Epstein, S. Hartner and others. The results of an empirical study, which included a study of self-attitude according to the method of “Research of selfattitude” S.R. Pantileev, for students of the first, second and third years of study in the field of study 053 “Psychology”. It was found that such a characteristic of self-attitude as self-worth has the highest level of expression, respondents of the first group showed a tendency to low self-esteem, respondents of the second group received low self-blame. Other characteristics in both groups were found at the average level. According to the statistical analysis, it was found that the Mann-Whitney U-test revealed significant differences in selfadherence. The study found that first-year psychology students have a lower level of self-acceptance and commitment, and a higher level of self-blame according to senior courses. According to the results of the study, recommendations are provided.
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