personality, motivation, motivational theories, crisis states of personality, crisis situationsAbstract
The article categorically analyzes the phenomenon of motivational component of personality, determines its essence, content and proper implementation mechanism. The author notes: the achievement of scientific validity in the context of the outlined issues is promising provided the representation of the model of professional modification of the motivational component of the personality of future psychologists. It was revealed that the process of personality development, in particular, in the system of motivational orientations, is not always characterized by a stable balance and stable harmony. Such aposition gave the right to admit that a certain life situation can serve as a chance for future personal development, and can create certain problems that will lead to a crisis. A number of psychological factors that contributing to the development of the motivational component of the personality are outlined. Possible variants of behavior of the subject of crisis situations are considered. From the standpoint of the activity approach, it is proved that the crisis situation is a source of personal development, while the driving force of development is the own activity of the subject of self-development, which determines the way of human behavior in crisis situations. The analysis of a construct of crisis conditions of the person is presented. The empirical component of the article is represented by determining the features of the component of the motivational and value sphere of future psychologists. This made it possible to thoroughly investigate the motivation from the standpoint of a systemic hierarchical formation, which allowed to adjust the regulatory potential of the individual. It is determined that the prerogative of secondary needs is predominant among future psychologists, despite the appropriately high percentage of manifestations of primary needs, in particular, the need for security and confidence in the future. It is proved that the other side of understanding the crisis presents it as an opportunity to implement certain changes, which in turn will lead to personal development in the future.
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