medialiteracy, mediaculture, hybrid war, information and psychological security of the individual, information and psychological influence in the conditions of “hybrid war”, citizens consciousness influence technologiesAbstract
The article is devoted to the problem of media literacy in the context of information and psychological security in a hybrid war theoretical analysis. The urgency of this problem is described, which is expressed in the need to find factors and mechanisms for achieving the individual’s informational and psychological security in the modern information space. The components of information and psychological security of the individual implementation are described – normativelegal, institutional and technological. Violations of information and psychological security of the individual are presented in the context of the “hybrid war”, which involves targeted effects on the mass consciousness through the use of various information and psychological operations. The consciousness of the individual informational influences negative consequences include changes in the psyche, mental health, which are realized through the world perception adequacy violation; the system of value orientations and personal worldview violation and disorganization, etc. Threats of information and psychological security of modern Ukrainian society are presented, which are the lack of regulatory activity of the state in the media and virtual environment, the dispersion of media between individuals and its imbalance, «tabloidization» and the spread of facts distortion, the purposeful , etc. It is generalized that the means of counteracting informational and psychological influences in the conditions of hybrid war is the developed medialiteracy of an individual, his mediaculture, mediaawareness and mediacompetence. In this case, media literacy acts as a filter – a means of defense against various information-harmful irritants, and the presence of the population's ideological socio-cultural consciousness. Medialiteracy is seen as the ability to use information and communication techniques, express themselves and communicate through the media, consciously perceive and critically interpret information, separate reality from its virtual simulation, ie understand the reality constructed by media sources, comprehend power relations, myths and types cultivated.
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