
  • M. V. Kharadzhy
  • A. I. Ivashchenko



supervision, supervisor, supervised person, professional growth, professional development, development, psychologist, professionalism.


An article is devoted to the current problem of psychological practice supervision as a method of professional growth. The article analyzes various scientific approaches to the definition of term "supervision", its meaning emphasizes supervision to be a top view of the professional situation not only by another professional, but first and foremost own view on how a psychologist lives in his/her professional space, his/her own emotional well-being. Possibility to find resilience in a situation of uncertainty and rapid change in it, possibility to be assertive to defend borders, possibility to take enough own care. The important role of supervision in the professional development of both psychologists-beginners and experienced psychologists is substantiated. It has been established that supervision influences the practice of psychotherapy and the practical activity of a psychologist more than all other aspects of training together and makes professional behavior. It is researched that the positive results of the psychologist’s participation in the work of the supervision group are: first of all, the practical consolidation of theoretical knowledge and the development of practical skills in the work; raising the level of professional competence, providing a qualitatively new level of psychological culture of the specialist; development of skills of adequate psychological perception, evaluation and reflection of oneself, one’s professional actions and interaction with clients in the process of professional activity; development of flexibility of thinking, self-control and efficiency in decisionmaking during professional practice; formation of skills of self-analysis, stimulation of processes of self-actualization and self-realization. Analysis of scientific research in the study of supervision states that supervision is aimed at supporting and supporting a particular specialist in his/her work with a particular client. It means to help psychologists to understand their professional actions and understand their client. Accordingly, the main research of supervision is conducted in terms of its effectiveness as a method of teaching, support the practical activities of the psychologist and his professional development.


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How to Cite

Хараджи, М. В., & Іващенко, А. І. (2022). SUPERVISION AS A METHOD OF PSYCHOLOGIST PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT. Scientific Bulletin of Uzhhorod National University. Series: Psychology, (1), 23-26.