
  • D. I. Larin



ethnic consciousness, formation, development, socialization, adaptation.


The article presents the formative influence on ethnic consciousness through the socialization of the individual during its genetic development. The active activity of the individual from the position of the creator of his own history in the paradigm of ethnicity creates conditions for the development of national consciousness in interaction with representatives of the ethnic community as significant. V. Stepin's concept of the types of rationality in the meaning of the formation of cognitive distortions in relation to the perception of ethnic group is considered and analyzed. Emphasis is placed on the importance of the reference group in the adoption of the latter as a title. The stages of development of ethnic consciousness and their features on the affective (emotional and sensory acceptance) cognitive (self-awareness as a representative of the group) and conative (behavioral manifestations) aspects are determined. The principle of determination through activity (according to S. Rubinstein) in the formation of the Gestalt as an image of oneself and an ethnic group (according to O. Lozova) is violated. Labor activity, determining the mental activity of the individual, transforms the cultural and historical progress of the individual, forming a sense of belonging, which is realized in relation to their own origin (using V. Fromm's terminology – the need for rooting), and loss of identity The author’s appeal to the importance of the concept of identity is justified by the subjectivity of the individual as a component of successful realization in professional activities. A correlation has been established at the interindividual and intraindividual levels between the individual development of consciousness and the formation of ethnic consciousness in ontogenesis. Positive perception of the personality of his nation as a reference reduces barriers to communication and increases the level of reflection, which together reduces the duration of the adaptation period in the new environment, which is closely related to the adaptive capacity of the individual and temporal aspects of duration and its speakers.


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How to Cite

Ларін, Д. І. (2022). FORMATION OF ETHNIC PERSONALITY CONSCIOUSNESS IN THE CONTEXT OF SOCIALIZATION. Scientific Bulletin of Uzhhorod National University. Series: Psychology, (1), 52-56.

