
  • S. M. Bieliakova
  • N. A. Bocharina
  • A. I. Stetsenko




value orientations, socio-psychological features, personality, self-realization, life plan.


The article shows the results of a study of the adults' value orientations that guide and adjust the process of human goal-setting, creating a basis for choosing from available alternatives goals and means, for the order of benefits of selection and evaluation of these alternatives, defining direct these actions. The concept of «self-realization» is considered and clarified, which is used only in modern research and the interpretation of this concept is usually extremely vague and quite abstract, so self-realization is a mental, theoretical, cognitive aspect of adult activity based on awareness of the adult world and self-reflections of the personal life plan of the ideal and real (I-concept). The following techniques were used in the experimental study: method «The level of the ratio of value» and «accessibility in various spheres of life» O. Fantalova; method «Test of meaningful life orientations – SJO» (J. Crambo and L. Maholik in the adaptation of DA Leontiev); method «Diagnosis of self-actualization of personality – SAMOAO» (AV Lazukina, adapted by NF Kalina). In general, research found that respondents have a more pronounced value-semantic inconsistency, which is due to a very pronounced area of intra-personal conflicts in these individuals. The subjects have a high rate of the «goal in life» factor, which allows us to characterize them as quite purposeful people who have certain goals in the future, aimed at the time perspective. At the same time, respondents have low life expectancy. 28-35 years are only the initial phase for the implementation of life plans, goals and self-realization. Based on the data obtained during the experimental study, it can be argued that most respondents developed selfactualization on such scales as autosympathy, contact and creativity, which indicates a stable self-esteem, ability to establish strong and friendly relationships with others, desire for art and desire to be creative.


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How to Cite

Бєлякова, С. М., Бочаріна, Н. А., & Стеценко, А. І. (2022). EMPIRICAL STUDY OF FEATURES OF ADULTS ’VALUE ORIENTATIONS. Scientific Bulletin of Uzhhorod National University. Series: Psychology, (1), 77-82. https://doi.org/10.32782/psy-visnyk/2022.1.15