leader, youth leadership, leadership qualities, leadership groups, transformation of school educational environment.Abstract
The article reveals the main results of the theoretical analysis of the phenomenon of youth leadership in the context of changes in the school educational environment; The modern views of foreign and domestic scientists on the phenomenon of leadership in general and youth leadership are considered. By analyzing and summarizing scientific sources, the relevance of the research problem is clarified, given that the modern education system should promote the development of leadership qualities of students and their integration into youth leadership groups. The data of researches conducted by domestic and foreign scientists on the subject of rapid transformation of the school educational environment under the influence of epidemiological and political events are analyzed. It was found that changes in the school educational environment are primarily aimed at modifying education into a system capable of effective rapid change, in accordance with modern challenges. These transformations affect the strategy of development of the student's personality, including the psychological features of the development of leadership qualities. The foreign experience of leadership development in schools and the conditions that contribute to it are highlighted. Views on the concept are generalized: leader (a person who has developed communication skills, directs and organizes the group); leadership (socio-psychological phenomenon of internal development of the group, which characterizes the relationship of domination and subordination, the system of socio-psychological phenomena associated with the emergence of human leaders). Views on structure (subject, purpose, motives, content, ways, actions, result), functions (diagnostic, directive, mobilizing), groups of leadership qualities (intellectual-creative, moral-volitional, emotional-communicative, organizational) are analyzed. The effective conditions for the development of youth leadership in the school educational environment are determined.
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