identity, personal identity, identification, personality, adolescence.Abstract
The article reveals the theoretical aspects of the phenomenon of the identity. We deal with the psychological analysis of scientific approaches of modern scientists to the problem of becoming a personal identity in the period of maturation. Analyzed various approaches of domestic and foreign scientists to the problem of becoming of the identity. Focused on the psychological peculiarities development of the personal identity in adolescence. Reviewed scientific positions of modern researchers in respect of relationship of the identity with other personality characteristics. There is a commonality in the views of scientists on the nature of identity as one of the central personal formations, which expresses the attitude of the subject to reality, determines his life path and plays an important role in the socialization of the individual during the period of growing up. Identity as a personal component includes the characteristics of the individual and the personal as sources of subjectivity. Personal identity is defined as a person's sense of his own uniqueness, the uniqueness of his life experience and identity to himself. The formation of a sense of personal identity is one of the most important neoplasms in adolescence, which includes: bodily, sexual, professional, ideological, moral identity. The concept of "identity crisis" is defined as a specific feature of adolescence, and the most important task of development during this period is the formation of self-identity, the definition of oneself as a person, as an individuality. Prospects for further research are related to an in-depth conceptual analysis of the theoretical and methodological foundations and an empirical study of the phenomenon of identity, the study of gender characteristics of the development of personal identity in the context of family interaction, the identification of features of the influence of psychological factors on the process of its formation during the period of personality maturation.
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