tolerance, ethnic group, ethnic tolerance, ethnos, personAbstract
In the modern multicultural world, research and development of a person’s tolerance become a necessary condition for peaceful, harmonious and successful coexistence of people. Based on respect for interpersonal and intergroup peculiarities, tolerance prevents the rise of enmity and chauvinism, and promotes mutual enrichment and exchange of cultures. Therefore, its formation is carried out both with the purpose of prevention and in order to ensure the development of a person or a system. The multifacetedness and diversity of the concept of "tolerance" is reflected in the variety of scientific definitions. In particular, tolerance can be considered a compromise, which is generated by the clash of the moral sphere, consciousness and behavior of a person. At the same time, the importance of the individual’s personal choice in the manifestation of tolerance is emphasized, because the dominant system of values does not yet guarantee a tolerant manifestation of will. In general psychology, tolerance is understood as the lack of response or reduction thereof to a certain adverse factor due to a decrease in sensitivity to this factor or to its certain manifestations. For example, tolerance to anxiety is formed internally – through an increase of the top limit of an emotional response to a threat, and externally – in the ability to control oneself and withstand adverse actions without reducing the person’s adaptive capabilities. The phenomenon of ethnic tolerance can also be viewed through the prism of the axiosphere of an individual and the entire ethnic group. Given this, individual and collective values both integrate the behavior and experiences of a person and serve as a guide for the entire community. The normative behavior of an ethnic group is determined by group values that function as rules of social interaction and add unity to the group. Important is the coincidence of personal and group values, as well as their orientation to combining and admitting the values of other ethnic groups.
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