Kuvad syndrome, parenthood, fatherhood, symptomatic pregnancy, social role of the father, social ritualAbstract
The article reveals the content of Couvade syndrome as a phenomenon of fatherhood. The essence, causes of occurrence, features of the course and psychological markers of this phenomenon are shown. The study of the problem of parenthood in psychology is one of the urgent and at the same time understudied problems. This is due to the fact that in modern society there is a transformation of ideas about the role of a man in a family and a father in raising a child. Recently, in scientific sources on the psychology of parenthood, the term "fatherhood" has been actively used to denote the male position. Couvade syndrome, the so-called "symptomatic pregnancy" is a specific psychophysiological condition in which the husband or partner of a pregnant woman simultaneously experiences unpleasant somatic symptoms such as toxicosis or behavioral transformations that are characteristic of pregnant women. The article provides information about the origin of this phenomenon, its socio-cultural background and ritual nature, as well as psychosomatic markers and the history of its research. The article presents different approaches to the study of Couvade syndrome from the positions of the conscious and unconscious in the psyche of a man. The article defines the psychological basis of the phenomenon of fatherhood as a factor in the life of society as a whole and of an individual in particular. The psychological properties and features of the role of fatherhood in modern society are determined. The factors affecting the formation of the parental role are singled out and the structure and development of parenthood as a psychological factor of personality socialization is determined. The article emphasizes that expecting a child and partner childbirth are the most important moments in a family's life. However, in the era of institutional childbirth, it is not always possible to guarantee that both partners will share their experiences. Fathers may prepare for the birth and accompany their partners during the birth, but afterwards they are still isolated from the mother and child. There is an opinion that the Couvade syndrome can act as a specific form of inclusion of a man in the role of a father, and have a beneficial effect on the care of babies, as it instills a sense of confidence in the father. The creation of socially acceptable rites in the perinatal period can make it possible to more clearly define the role of the father in the family.
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