
  • I. V. Astremska



training, supervisor, care professions, practical skills, supervision, vocational education


The article is devoted to the topical problem of introduction of the institute of supervision for qualitative mastering of practical skills in professions of help. The effectiveness of supervision is primarily determined by the professional and personal characteristics of the supervisor. The concept of «supervisor», professional requirements for his knowledge, skills, abilities and specific traits, functions and experience are analyzed. The importance of the organization's personnel as the most valuable human resource, which must be provided with quality supervision that meets its leading professional needs, is proved. It is emphasized that the training of supervisors should be based on a developmental approach, going through five stages of career development. Opportunities for training supervisors are described, the main and alternative options are given; identified a wide range of learning opportunities that can be used in various combinations to enhance their effectiveness. A number of general aspects on which the training of supervisors should be based are indicated, including an anti-discriminatory or non-oppressive approach; skills or laboratory classes; audio and video recording of real sessions; peer-topeer sharing; team context and supervisee feedback; concepts, theories, models, research; course counseling on current supervisory dilemmas, etc. A wide range of learning opportunities are highlighted, which are used in various combinations to enhance their effectiveness: analysis of previous supervision experience; receiving feedback from your supervisor; developing one's style of supervision, etc. Specific techniques of supervisory intervention are defined (such as modeling, instructions and recommendations, prompts, transfer of factual material – informing, use of questions for active discussion of controversial situations in dialogue (Socratic method), encouragement in the development of associations, in flexibility; in self-reflection, discussion of the supervisee's feelings in a specific situation of work with the client and others), prerequisites and obstacles to the organization of the supervisor's work.


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How to Cite

Astremska, I. V. (2022). TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT OF SUPERVISORS OF SUPPORTING PROFESSIONS IN UKRAINE. Scientific Bulletin of Uzhhorod National University. Series: Psychology, (2), 36-40.