optimism, orthobiosis, mental well-being, psychologically safe environment, meaningful life orientations, studentAbstract
The purpose of the article is to study the psychological features of meaningful life orientations of student youth based on the theory of orthobiosis. The authors of the article present the results of an original empirical study conducted during the 2021–2022 academic year at the H.S. Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University. 278 students of the first (bachelor's) and second (master's) levels of higher education were covered. The empirical research used survey methods using a Google form. The basis of the questionnaire was the test of meaningful life orientations by D. Leontiev, an adapted version of the "Purpose in Life" test by James Crumb and Leonard Maholik (Purpose in Life Test, PIL). The methods of analyzing the products of activity, interviewing applicants based on the results of the received answers were also used to enrich and clarify the answers received during the survey. The method of psychological and acmeological observation was used to identify the content base and ways of manifesting meaningful life orientations of student youth in the context of orthobiosis. Individual and group (2-4 people) conversations were used to find out the extent to which the respondents understood the key ideas of the theory of orthobiosis. The research was carried out based on systemic, synergistic, acmeological and competence approaches. It was established that the psychological features of meaningful life orientations of student youth are their synthesis with self-actualization and professional self-determination. It was revealed that the leading meaningful life orientations are personal and professional growth, a stable high financial position and active social life. The connections between: contradictions of internal personal growth and understanding of the goals and current results of life, active social life and professional self-determination have been established. The latter, we believe, is determined by the field of knowledge in which the respondents acquire educational programs: 011 – Educational, pedagogical sciences, 014 – Secondary education. The results of the authors' research presented in the article are substantiated by the conclusions of Ukrainian and international scientists. It is noted that health-preserving competences are end-to-end, personally and socially valuable. In accordance with the set goal, the theory of orthobiosis is presented based on the generalization of I. Mechnikov and J. Lubbock as a culture of a healthy (psychologically, physically, spiritually) full-fledged life of an individual capable of forming a safe environment around himself. According to the theory of orthobiosis, the meaningful life orientations of student youth are consistent with the science of hygiene. The key to revealing the psychological features of meaningful life orientations of student youth in this study is defined as the resource of a sense of a rich life, the achievement of a good compatible with the good of other people, and the development of a sustainable ability to rejoice. The current result of the study of the psychological features of meaningful life orientations of student youth determined the feasibility of developing programs to support the optimism of students in the sense of psychological well-being, stable psychological health status. A promising direction for the further development of the problem is the search for a constructive synthesis of European and national practices of forming meaningful life orientations of student youth in accordance with the orthobiotic approach.
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