
  • N. S. Kostruba



media religiousness, religiosity, personal resource, self-preservation, coping strategies.


The article deals with the empirical analysis of the mediareligiousness possibilities as a factor of individual selfpreservation. Media religiosity is considered as a form of personal religiosity that is implemented using modern information technologies. Personality self-preservation is considered as a complex phenomenon, one of the components of which is the ability to overcome difficulties and coping strategies to achieve a sense of security. An experimental study was carried out involving 685 participants from 16 regions of Ukraine through an online survey. We used the methods of psychological diagnosis of coping mechanisms (E. Heim) and Questionnaire for Media Religious Individual (Kostruba's QMRI). The obtained results were processed using descriptive statistics, Pearson's correlation analysis, regression analysis and the Kruskal-Wallace coefficient to identify differences. Media-religious personalities used to analyze difficulties and possible ways to overcome problems, they focus on increasing self-esteem and self-control, seek to realize the value of themselves as individuals and more often choose adaptive cognitive strategies to overcome difficult life circumstances. Active indignation and protest about difficulties and confidence in the ability to find a way out of any situation as an adaptive emotional coping strategy are more characteristic of individuals with a low level of media religiosity. Media-religious individuals tend to use adaptive behavioral coping strategies, manifested in such actions as cooperation with experienced people, seeking and providing support in the immediate environment to overcome difficult life conditions. The regression and comparative analysis made it possible to reveal that individuals with a high level of media religiosity tend to choose adaptive cognitive and maladaptive emotional coping strategies. These data can serve as a basis for further study of the possibilities of media religiosity as a factor of individual self-preservation.


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How to Cite

Коструба, Н. С. (2022). MEDIARELIGIOUSNESS AS A FACTOR OF CONSTRUCTIVE PERSONALITY SELF-PRESERVATION. Scientific Bulletin of Uzhhorod National University. Series: Psychology, (3), 10-14.