
  • O. M. Blyzniukova
  • I. Ya. Melnychuk
  • I. V. Mamchur



partnership, partnership relations, team formation, interaction, the concept of team building, customer orientation, decision-making, relationship management.


The article provides theoretical generalization and practical aspects of the psychological features of the formation and development of partnership relations and team building in business. The principles of choosing business partners, features of psychological readiness for partnership and its main characteristics and structural components are analyzed. Types of business partnership are considered: forced / proactive, competitive / cooperative, tactical / strategic. The regularities of the development of partner relationships and the stages of their formation (convergence, closeness, differentiation, distance, disintegration) are singled out. Modern forms of partnership in business (leasing, factoring, franchising, venture financing and subcontracting) are analyzed. The process of team building is considered as a set of measures aimed at creating a positive working environment and forming a team spirit. The constituent elements of optimizing the structure of a highly effective team and the indicator of successful implementation of measures to improve the team building process have been determined. The stages of team building development are presented and the format of the implementation of the strategic and communicative session is indicated. The need to implement an incentive system that meets the expectations of employees is emphasized. It has been confirmed that teamwork is not limited to joint activities but is a combination of efforts aimed at achieving a given result. The main principles of quality management are highlited: customer orientation, clearly organized management, active involvement of employees in the decision-making process, regular improvement of the process in order to use new opportunities and improve adaptation to new market situations, use of a proven database, support and development of sustainable business partnerships.


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How to Cite

Близнюкова, О. М., Мельничук, І. Я., & Мамчур, І. В. (2022). PSYCHOLOGICAL REGULATIONS OF THE DEVELOPMENT OF PARTNERSHIP RELATIONS AND TEAM FORMATION IN BUSINESS. Scientific Bulletin of Uzhhorod National University. Series: Psychology, (3), 80-84.

