aggression, aggressiveness, conflictedness, adolescence, studentsAbstract
This publication analyzes psychological features of the manifestations of aggressive behaviour of the individual in adolescence. It is found that a problem of aggressiveness and aggression is relevant and untold, especially in adolescence. Many researchers are interested in this problem. The most common ways of study of aggression were investigated and concluded that there is no unified method of studying this topic. All the methods complement each other, showing different aspects of the current problem. Based on these provisions, it can be determined that aggression is an antisocial behaviour that violates any social or cultural norms. Psychodiagnostic methods have been selected and empirical investigations of the psychological features of manifestations of aggression in adolescence have been conducted. Selected techniques are aimed at diagnosing hostile human reactions, aggressive behaviour, to determine the index of lifestyle and propensity to conflict behaviour. Based on the obtained results of the diagnostic study, mathematical and statistical processing of the obtained data by the Pearson correlation coefficient was performed. It was found that a significant part of the studied students shows a tendency to aggressive behaviour and hostility. However, almost half of those surveyed in conflict behaviour are willing to cooperate. It is found a positive correlation connection between indexes like physical aggression and crowding out; irritation and substitution; suspicion and general level of aggression; verbal aggression and super-compensation, negative correlation between negativism and suspicion, suspicion and cynicism; anxiety and denial. It is defined that promising areas of further study may be research aimed at establishing the determinant of aggressive behaviour, in particular in adolescence.
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