trust, mistrust, trust in the world, trust in other people, trust in oneself, psychological training, training group, principle of trust.Abstract
The authors of the article consider trust as an integrative socio-psychological phenomenon that combines a positive assessment of the object, positive experiences and positive expectations from interaction with it (from the process of interaction and the obtained results). Trust activates the personal readiness of the subject to interact with the object or another subject, speeds up the decision-making process, and allows overcoming the situations of uncertainty. Three types of trust, namely trust in the world, trust in other people and trust in oneself, are considered in the study as different forms of manifestation of basic trust, which is formed in the first years of a person's life. The paper presents data on the adaptation of the Ukrainian-language version of "Methods of personal trust / mistrust in the world, in other people, in oneself" (A. Kupreychenko). The Ukrainian version consists of 12 statements, which are combined into three scales: "Trust in the world" (3 statements), "Trust in other people" (3 statements), "Trust in oneself" (6 statements). The study found that all statements have a high level of differentiability, all indicators demonstrate a relatively satisfactory level of reliability-consistency indicators. The scales were validated using convergent validity indicators. For validation authors used the following questionnaires: "Methodology for the diagnosis of interpersonal relations" (T. Leary) (level of skeptical, dependent, conformal); "The Sixteen Personality factors Questionnaire" (16 PF, R.B. Kettell) (factor Q1 "Openess to change / Traditional"). The established correlations made it possible to clarify the content of the scales, to make corrections in the interpretation of the main indicators. Standardization of the methodology was carried out on a sample of 160 youths, test norms were formed for each indicator. This methodology can be used in applied social-psychological research and in scientific research conducted within the cognitive paradigm.
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