socio-psychological training, deep psycho-correction, self-organization, reflexive thinking, psychological defenses, non-linear processAbstract
The article presents of characteristic of methods for the development of reflective thinking of a psychologist- practitioner, in particular, a socio-psychological training and a deep psycho-correction by the method active social-psychological cognition (ASPC). When characterizing reflective thinking, the provisions of the synergetic approach were taken into account. One of them is the provision on the non-linearity of development processes. The development of the reflective thinking is considered as self-organization processes, which is consist in reproduction and ordering its structures due to internal factors. The problem of determining effective methods is posed in which conditions are created for the non-linear development of a professional’s reflective thinking. It is shown that in the conditions of a socio-psychological training the development of reflective thinking occurs as a linear process that is externally determined. The specificity of deep psycho-correction according to the ASPC method, which based on the methodology of the psychodynamic approach of T.S. Yatsenko, is characterized. It is shown that it is in the process of deep psycho-correction by the method ASPC, conditions are created for the development of reflexive thinking on the base self-organization. This is determined by subordination of the deep-corrective process to the law of positive disintegration of the psyche and its secondary integration at a higher level of development. When determining the factors of self-organization of reflective thinking, the regularities of the functioning of the whole psyche in the interconnection of the conscious and unconscious spheres are taken into account. It is claimed that the mechanism of self-organization of reflective thinking is the weakening of the integrative effect of psychological defenses, which cause a state instability, positive disintegration of the psyche. The positive disintegration of the psyche, which manifests itself as a violation of inner-psychic balance, is a factor of self-organization of reflective thinking of personality in the process of deep psycho-correction. It initiates the processes of self-organization of reflexive thinking, actualizes rethinking and reflection.
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