
  • V. Y. Bocheliuk
  • M. S. Panov
  • M. A. Kemkina



rehabilitation activity, motivational sphere, psychotherapy, integration methods, personality


The article analyzes the role of the motivational component in the rehabilitation process and emphasizes that personal motivation is a formed focus on overcoming a problematic situation, cooperation with a psychotherapist with the aim of improving mental and physical condition, understanding the cause-and-effect relationship of existing problems and improving the quality of life. It was determined that one of the necessary conditions for successful psychotherapy is the presence of a person with a stable motivation for rehabilitation – that is, an understanding that the causes of his condition are the result of acquired traumatic experience. It is noted that the presence of motivation is considered a significant factor for a positive vision of the prospects of psychotherapy. Also, the strategy of behavior under insufficient motivation is common, especially in cases where the patient agreed to therapy due to external pressure or for other reasons. By conducting psychotherapy, the specialist strengthens the patient’s motivation, creating the prerequisites for constructive changes. It was established that the presence of motivation at the beginning of psychotherapy has several important functions, in particular: the individual shows activity in the process of finding the necessary help; it seeks to receive information about the causes of a certain condition; the individual may recognize the absence of a «magic pill» and the need to undergo a certain rehabilitation process; a person can withstand the process of tension and emerging difficulties in the situation of forming a new algorithm of behavior during psychotherapy, maintaining remission without disruptions and regression. It is noted that the discourse on methods and ways of maintaining motivation at the appropriate level throughout the entire rehabilitation process necessitated the search for new approaches to the disclosure of the specified problem. Analyzing integration methods today is one of the most multifaceted and complex problems in Ukrainian psychology. It is emphasized that the need for integration is announced not only at the level of individual branches of psychological knowledge, but also at the level of the entire body of knowledge accumulated in psychology. Integration is understood as one means of solving methodological, theoretical, applied problems and difficulties that have accumulated in modern scientific thought. Features of the use of integration methods in work with motivation in rehabilitation activities are described.


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How to Cite

Бочелюк, В. Й., Панов, М. С., & Кемкіна, М. А. (2023). USE OF MODERN INTEGRATIVE METHODS IN WORKING WITH MOTIVATION IN REHABILITATION ACTIVITIES. Scientific Bulletin of Uzhhorod National University. Series: Psychology, (6), 66-70.

