
  • V. O. Hotych



resilience, psychological resilience, components of psychological resilience, students, adolescence, war, structural model


The article analyzes the directions of research on the concept of psychological resilience, namely: 1) as a personality trait; 2) as a process; 3) as an adaptation and defense mechanism of the individual. It is emphasized that each area considers psychological resilience from a different perspective, but does not contradict each other. The main definition of psychological resilience in our study is highlighted – we rely on the concept of American scientists B. Iacoviello and D. Charney, the authors consider psychological resilience as a psychosocial construct, which is described as an individual’s adaptive processes to cope with and recover from adversity, and sometimes even thrive after it. It is noted that the main stabilizing intrapersonal structures that determine the peculiarities of a person’s life path are life plans, identity, professional and moral self-determination, worldview, level of professional achievements, self-awareness and self-attitude, readiness for family life, and a system of value priorities. It is assumed that the adolescent period is sensitive for the formation of psychological resilience. On the basis of theoretical analysis, a structural model for studying the psychological resilience of students in wartime has been created, which identifies the cognitive, behavioral, emotional and existential components of the studied concept. We believe that these components should be identified in order to be able to consider psychological resilience from a thorough ontological level. Particular attention should be paid to the study of the mental resilience of modern youth, due to the fact that they are not able to respond to stress factors properly and to identify the factors of psychological resilience of modern youth, which will allow the development of effective programs of psychological support for adolescents.


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How to Cite

Готич, В. О. (2023). STRUCTURAL MODEL OF STUDENTS’ RESILIENCE IN WAR CONDITIONS. Scientific Bulletin of Uzhhorod National University. Series: Psychology, (1), 21-25.

