individual and psychological regulators, communication, personality, development, future specialists, socionomic professions, communicative activity, communicative control, emotions, interpersonal communicationAbstract
The individual and psychological features of the communicative activity of future specialists in socionomic professions are revealed, and scientists’ modern views on the problem are analyzed in the article. The theoretical and methodological analysis of the problem on the communicative activity of a personality is carried out and the approaches to its study are singled out. Based on the analysis of theoretical sources, it was found that the purpose of the communication process in the work of future specialists of socionomic professions is the exchange of information to identify and solve problems, the promotion of the creation of activity strategies aimed at improving the quality of human life. The communicative activity is found to be a complex psychological category, which includes the subject of this activity, need, relevant motives, involves the implementation of communicative actions and operations, the use of methods and means adequate to the communicative situation. The following methods of theoretical and empirical research serve as a diagnostic means for researching the peculiarities of the communicative activity of future specialists in the socionomic sphere: theoretical methods (analysis, comparison, systematization, generalization) made it possible to substantiate the data we received in the scientific and theoretical way; empirical methods: observations, methods: the test of communicative skills (L. Michelson), the test of communicative control (M. Snyder), the method of motivational orientations in interpersonal communications (I. Ladanov, V. Urazaieva), the method of diagnosing “obstacles” in establishing emotional contacts (V. Boiko), questionnaire test (locus of control) (D. Rotter). Psychological features, individual and group regulators of the communicative activity of a personality are characterized. The basic individual and psychological regulators influencing the process of communicative activity of future specialists in socionomic professions are studied and singled out empirically: the high level of communicative control, the internal locus of personal control, orientation towards acceptance and understanding of a partner, orientation towards reaching a compromise, the ability to manage emotions, the dominance of positive emotions and the desire to get close to people on an emotional basis.
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