
  • S. S. Dobroskok



development program, psychotechnology, communicative tolerance, student-psychologists


The article deals with the psychodidactic aspects of ensuring the development of communicative tolerance of students who study in the HEI in the specialty 053 Psychology. The role of communicative tolerance as a dialogism is in ensuring the communication skills of speech interaction. The content of the manuscript reveals the author’s understanding of communicative tolerance as a multi-aspect, multi-component and poly-measurement phenomenon, theoretical and methodological approaches to the psychological support for the development of communicative tolerance of future psychologists in terms of “competence”, “competency”, “subcompetence”, “activity”; developed by the author of the article the program of promising development of communicative tolerance of psychologists in the conditions of education in HEI is presented, as well as the psychotechnology of purposeful formation of communicative tolerance in the applicants during the lecture course and training “Communicative tolerance of the psychologist”. The program of perspective development of communicative tolerance contains a set of subcompetences – the abilities (communicative, speech, linguistic and emotional), which in their organic unity provide a real manifestation of communicative tolerance and prevent the cases of communicative intolerance. The created psychotechnology is presented in the complex of its structural components: purpose, tasks, content, methods, organizational forms and means of promoting the development of communicative tolerance in future psychologists. The article also provides examples of the exercises used in the course of psycho-technology used in course of training with students. It is proved in the article that in the professional training of future psychologists, a significant place should be attached to the evolution of competencies and competences in the field of tolerant communication. Communicative tolerance is manifested in the speech activity and behaviour of students, and is expressed through the traits acquired by them, moral qualities, professional properties, abilities, etc.


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How to Cite

Доброскок, С. С. (2023). PSYCHOLOGICAL SUPPORT FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF COMMUNICATIVE TOLERANCE OF FUTURE PSYCHOLOGISTS. Scientific Bulletin of Uzhhorod National University. Series: Psychology, (1), 57-61.