
  • O. V. Kuznietsova




hardiness, difficult life situation, teachers, differential and psychological peculiarities, age peculiarities


The article enlightens the results of the theoretical and empirical research of situational specificity of teachers’ hardiness in the war conditions. Hardiness is considered as an ability of a personality to assimilate one’s experience and develop one’s integrity in the conditions of life’s difficulties experiencing. The set of certain signs that determine the specificity of hardiness manifestation in difficult, critical life situations of a certain type is referred to as a partial position of this feature. At the present stage of the research partial positions of hardiness in the situations of frustration, crisis, uncertainty, conflict, stress are studied. The empirical research is performed with the help of the questionnaire «Partial positions of hardiness (PPH)» (I. Brynza, O. Kuznetsova, 2020). The collection of data was done within the period since August till December, 2022. The results of the empirical research show that the general level of the hardiness development and the domination of certain partial positions as a marker of a situational specificity of teachers is determined by the character of the professional activity and depends on the age. The performed comparison of situational manifestations of hardiness of teachers and practical psychologists of educational institutions showed that it is teachers that are vulnerable to the influence of the war conditions. The highest ability to survive difficulties, life and professional challenges was shown by the group of teachers at the age of under 40 years old. The brightest hardiness of young teachers is shown in the survival of situations of uncertainty and crisis. The teachers of older age have lower level of hardiness that is especially shown in the situations of stress, conflict, frustration. The older teachers are, the wider range of situations causes the feelings of helplessness, anxiety, despair, impotency, uncertainty in opportunities to cope with difficulties. Teachers need psychological support and maintenance taking into account selective vulnerability to certain types of difficult life situations.


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How to Cite

Кузнєцова, О. В. (2023). HARDINESS OF A TEACHER IN THE WAR CONDITIONS: ANALYSIS OF PARTIAL POSITIONS. Scientific Bulletin of Uzhhorod National University. Series: Psychology, (1), 67-72. https://doi.org/10.32782/psy-visnyk/2023.1.13