
  • O. O. Stakhova
  • L. P. Voinalovych
  • L. P. Butuzova



professional training of a future teacher, professional and pedagogical self-awareness of the individual, development of professional and pedagogical “I”-substructure of future specialists


The article emphasizes the role of professional self-awareness in the professional growth of future teachers, in particular, future primary school teachers. On the basis of the analysis of the results of theoretical and applied research, the necessity for the development of professional and pedagogical self-awareness of the individual is substantiated. The assumption is justified that the possibility of implementing in practice a comprehensive approach to increase its quantitative and qualitative characteristics. It is emphasized that its content is determined by two interrelated and mutually determined aspects, the first of which is aimed at the direct development of all structural components of the professional “I” of future representatives of the pedagogical community, the second is aimed at activating the psychological mechanisms of the formation of the phenomenon under study. The key provisions of the above-mentioned approach are reflected and presented in the authors’ psychological model and the training program developed on its basis for the development of professional self-awareness of a future teacher, in particular a future primary school teacher. It is emphasized that the most convenient and constructive form of work on the development of professional self-awareness of the future teacher is social-psychological training, which allows to improve the parameters of the structural-functional units (cognitive, affective, behavioral) of this education, as well as indicators of personal (reflection, identification, goal setting, personal maturity) and professional (value orientations and motives for choosing a profession as the basis of the professional orientation of the subject of pedagogical activity, his empathic and communicative abilities) mechanisms of its formation, which are objectively amenable to formation in a relatively short period of time and are professionally significant for the future specialist. The substantive and procedure aspects of the training work on the development of the professional and pedagogical “I” of future specialists, aimed at the development of the components of this education and the activation of the psychological mechanisms of its formation are presented.


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How to Cite

Stakhova, O. O., Voinalovych, L. P., & Butuzova, L. P. (2023). THEORETICAL GROUNDS OF THE DEVELOPMENT OF PROFESSIONAL AND PEDAGOGICAL SELF-AWARENESS OF FUTURE SPECIALISTS. Scientific Bulletin of Uzhhorod National University. Series: Psychology, (1), 73-77.