
  • R. M. Bondarenko



model, pedagogical activity, correction, professional training


The article is devoted to the problem of training specialists, in particular psychologists, to work with children with autism. Recently, more and more attention is paid to the study and correction of various mental disorders in children. There is a lot of literature, including recommendations on mental retardation, learning and upbringing disorders, behavioral and communication disorders. However, many more issues need to be explored. Thus, it is advisable to dwell on the problem of early childhood autism (hereinafter – RDA), in which communication disorders predominate in all behavior of the child and dominates in the formation of its abnormal development, while in other defects of mental development communication disorders are secondary and significantly reduced or disappear with the correction of the underlying disorder: mental retardation, neurotic disorders, speech and hearing defects, etc. Correction of early childhood autism has a special, quite complex nature. This leads to the need to improve the training of psychologists.


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How to Cite

Бондаренко, Р. М. (2021). TRAINING PSYCHOLOGISTS TO WORK WITH CHILDREN WITH AUTISM SPECTRUM MANIFESTATIONS. Scientific Bulletin of Uzhhorod National University. Series: Psychology, (1), 5-8.