
  • Ya. V. Amurova
  • M. A. Momot




трудовий колектив, socio-psychological climate, activity, intergroup interaction, group dynamics, management


The article analyzes the philosophical and psychological literature, which contributed to a comprehensive view of the essence of the problem of a comfortable social and psychological climate in the team. It has been proven that a favorable atmosphere in the team has a productive effect on the results of joint work. The article considers the factors of a comfortable social and psychological climate in the team. It was specified that the social and psychological climate is an indicator of the maturity of the team and includes such features as purposefulness, cohesion and satisfaction with joint work. The socio-psychological climate of the labor team is characterized, which is formed in the process of joint activity of people and is manifested in their behavior, and also depends on the level of cohesion. The theoretical foundations of the formation of the social and psychological climate are summarized. The components of the socio-psychological climate are highlighted, namely: emotional, behavioral, cognitive. The article presents a psychological analysis of the signs of a comfortable social and psychological climate in the team. It was clarified that the favorable social and psychological climate of the work team contributes to the increased efficiency of all members of its team, mutual assistance and support in the implementation of common organizational goals, greater team cohesion. The analysis of approaches to the study of the essence and methods of formation of a favorable social and psychological climate in the collective of the organization made it possible to conclude that the interest in studying the problems of the social and psychological climate is justified by the fact that the labor team as an organized community reflects all social changes, the mood of which depends on the social atmosphere in the organization. The article presents the socio-psychological climate as an indicator of the degree of social development of the workforce and its psychological potential. It was found that the socio-psychological climate in the team is determined by the awareness of the organization’s common goals and objectives, as well as the acceptance of the organization’s moral values.


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How to Cite

Амурова, Я. В., & Момот, М. А. (2023). FACTORS OF A COMFORTABLE SOCIAL AND PSYCHOLOGICAL CLIMATE IN THE COLLECTIVE. Scientific Bulletin of Uzhhorod National University. Series: Psychology, (2), 17-20. https://doi.org/10.32782/psy-visnyk/2023.2.3