
  • L. M. Potapiuk



psychological safety, mental health, stress, stress resistance, emotional persistence, emotional stability, adaptive resources


The article analyzes the study findings of students’ stress resistance in the conditions of the Russian-Ukrainian war. It highlights the essence of the concept of “stress resistance”. The author substantiates the growing need to develop stress resistance in students in the current wartime situation, considering it as a primary condition for solving life problems without detrimental consequences for health and life, in general. Psychological factors of students’ adaptation to educational activities are in focus of consideration. Maintaining or increasing the stress resistance of an individual is associated with the active use of psychological or adaptive resources. The author analyzes in detail the resources of stress resistance of the individual. Emphasis is placed on the influence of personal resources on the effective social and psychological adaptation of the individual to the crisis and difficult life circumstances. The creation of internal subjective conditions is a basic principle in a personal model of coping with stress and supporting emotional stability in the process of psychological adaptation/recovery and it is regarded as one of the dynamic properties of emotionality. An experimental study of students’ stress resistance in the conditions of the Russian-Ukrainian war, relying on a complex of carefully selected methods, provides clues to the investigation of the level of stress resistance and social adaptation of students living in conditions of uncertainty. The study argues that war increases the number of stressors that affect students’ learning activity and their physical and mental health. The principal conclusion of the study claims that it is urgent to search for appropriate teaching methods and forms of learning in institutions of higher education to preserve and restore mental health, provide psychological and emotional support, and increase the level of stress resistance.


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How to Cite

Потапюк, Л. М. (2023). PECULIARITIES OF THE FORMATION OF STUDENTS’ STRESS RESISTANCE IN THE CONDITIONS OF THE RUSSIAN-UKRAINIAN WAR. Scientific Bulletin of Uzhhorod National University. Series: Psychology, (2), 34-38.

